1. Signaling Pathways
  2. GPCR/G Protein
    Neuronal Signaling
  3. Cholecystokinin Receptor
  4. CCKAR Isoform


The Cholecystokinin A receptor is a human protein, also known as CCKAR or CCK1. The CCK1R has high affinity for cholecystokinin (CCK) and related peptides that are sulfated on a tyrosine in the 7th position from the COOH terminus with a low affinity for gastrin. In humans, the results of numerous studies support a role for CCK1R in regulation of a variety of physiological processes including gallbladder contraction, sphincter of Oddi relaxation, stimulation of pancreatic secretion, inhibition of acid secretion, relaxation of lower esophageal sphincter tone, slowing of colonic motility and regulation of satiety.

CCKAR 相关产品 (4):

目录号 产品名 作用方式 纯度
  • HY-P1096
    A71623 Agonist 99.90%
    A71623 是一种有效且高度选择性的 CCK-A 激动剂。A-71623 对 CCK-A 和 CCK-B 的 IC50 分别为 3.7 nM 和 4500 nM。
  • HY-129810
    PD 135158 Antagonist
    PD 135158 (CAM 1028) 是一种选择性 CCKB 受体拮抗剂,对小鼠皮质 CCKBIC50 为 2.8 nM。PD 135158 表现出抗焦虑活性。
  • HY-123434
    PD-149164 Agonist
    PD-149164 是胆囊收缩素 A (CCK-A) 受体 (cholecystokinin A (CCK-A) receptor) 的有效激动剂,在与 CCK-B 和 CCK-A 结合试验中,IC50 值分别为 0.083 nM 和 75 nM。
  • HY-119127
    TP-680 Antagonist
    TP-680 是一种胆囊收缩素受体 (cholecystokinin receptor) 拮抗剂。TP-680 与大鼠胰腺 CCKA 受体 (IC50=1.2 nM) 的结合强度是与大鼠大脑 CCKB 受体 (IC50=1812.5 nM) 的结合强度的 1510 倍。TP-680 可用于胃肠道疾病的研究。